Cup’s CLI provides the cup check
Basic Usage
Check for all updates
$ cup check
✓ Done!
~ Local images
│Reference │Status │Time (ms)│
│postgres:15-alpine │Major update (15 → 17) │788 │
││Minor update (1.118.2 → 1.127.0) │2294 │
│ollama/ollama:0.4.1 │Minor update (0.4.1 → 0.5.12) │533 │
│adguard/adguardhome:v0.107.52 │Patch update (0.107.52 → 0.107.57)│1738 │
│jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest │Up to date │583 │
│louislam/uptime-kuma:1 │Up to date │793 │
│moby/buildkit:buildx-stable-1 │Up to date │600 │
│tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy:latest │Up to date │564 │
│ubuntu:latest │Up to date │585 │
│wagoodman/dive:latest │Up to date │585 │
│rolebot:latest │Unknown │174 │
INFO ✨ Checked 11 images in 8312ms
Check for updates to specific images
$ cup check node:latest
✓ Done!
~ Local images
│Reference │Status │Time (ms)│
│node:latest│Update available│788 │
INFO ✨ Checked 1 images in 310ms
$ cup check nextcloud:30 postgres:14 mysql:8.0
✓ Done!
~ Local images
│Reference │Status │Time (ms)│
│postgres:14 │Major update (14 → 17) │195 │
│mysql:8.0 │Major update (8.0 → 9.2)│382 │
│nextcloud:30│Up to date │585 │
INFO ✨ Checked 3 images in 769ms
Enable icons
You can also enable icons if you have a Nerd Font installed.

JSON output
When integrating Cup with other services (e.g. webhooks or a dashboard), you may find Cup’s JSON output functionality useful.
It provides some useful metrics (see server for more information), along with a list of images and whether they have an update or not. Note that at the moment it does not match the detailed API the server provides.
$ cup check -r
When parsing Cup’s output, capture only stdout
, otherwise you might not get
valid JSON (if there are warnings)
Usage with Docker
If you’re using the Docker image, just replace all occurences of cup
in the examples with docker run -tv /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
For example, this:
$ cup check node:latest
$ docker run -tv /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock check node:latest
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